Taking a Kitkat Break! #KITKATBreakMovement

What skill would you want to be unlocked after taking a KIT KAT® Break?
I want to unlock the skill of being INVISIBLE so I can still sneak out some Kitkat more!! 
Aside from sneaking out some Kitkat bars,
I want to unlock the skill of being Invisible because i want to have some rest, I want to breathe, I just want to leave all the problems and stress behind even just for a day and I want to look at the people around me.
I wanna know who is talking behind my back and I wanna know who really my friends are. 
I really hate great pretenders and fake friends.
I know we can’t please everyone and All we need to do is to be ourselves and make ourselves happy!
Life is too short to be wasted so Let’s have a break! Have a KitKat :)
Thankyou KitKat for making helping me forget all my problems! A Bite of KitKat a Day Keeps the BadVibes Away!! :) #KITKATBreakMovement