Filipino Author Releases Breastfeeding Book on Amazon Kindle

Filipino mom, inspirational author and breastfeeding advocate releases a breastfeeding book on Amazon Kindle to inspire and empower moms worldwide.
Inspirational author Teresa Gumap-as Dumadag released the Kindle version of her book BREASTFEEDING: A Journey Worth Taking on Amazon today, six months after the successful launch of the paperback edition. 
Teresa Gumap-as Dumadag is the first Filipino to author and publish a book on breastfeeding on Amazon. The author, who breastfed both of her sons for at least two years each, discusses breastfeeding basics in her book as well as her own breastfeeding story that was replete with challenges. She also features stories of triumph over breastfeeding challenges by moms from different walks of life — stay-at-home moms, work-at-home moms, moms working outside the home and even mompreneurs.
Pediatrician and Lactation Specialist Dr. Jamie Isip-Cumpas says,“Teresa inspires readers with her own breastfeeding journey: her perseverance, strong faith and unwavering love for her children made her overcome the challenges she encountered. She imparts helpful and practical tips from breastfeeding positions to nursing wear and even collaborated with other mothers to share their own breastfeeding stories. All breastfeeding mothers can certainly relate to this book. I’ve already kept a copy in my clinic for all my patients to read.” Isip-Cumpas is also a Consultant for The Medical City’s Lactation Unit. She has breastfed all her three children.  
“I love how she connected God with her journey and it made me realize that being able to breastfeed is a blessing,” said breastfeeding mom and bloggerDaniel Kaity Bato. “This inspired me even more to breastfeed my baby.”
“At first I didn’t understand why I had to go through a lot of tests or challenges in my breastfeeding journey, especially with my eldest son,” the author herself says. “Looking back however, I realized that God allowed me to experience those tests because He eventually used my passing of those tests to become my testimony to inspire and empower other moms.”
This book project by the author was sponsored in part by the following breastfeeding-related businesses: MomBabyFabric, Indigobaby, Mamaway Philippines, Elin, First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink, Latch a Babe Nursing Wear, Mama.Baby.Love, Mama Chows, Medela Moms Inc., Mommyfide PH, Mommy Matters, Moringana by Organics Asia, Sweet Pea Nursingwear and Zalor Massage Services.
BREASTFEEDING: A Journey Worth Taking can be downloaded for free by Amazon Prime members and can be purchased for $9.99 by regular customers. The paperback edition can be purchased through itsFacebook Page or by sending an email to LikeBREASTFEEDING: A Journey Worth Taking on Facebook via