Have you guys heard about
"Clothes buffet manila"?
When we say buffet, it is more of a self-service and the first thing that will pops up on our mind would be a food buffet or an eat-all-you-can, so the question is what is Clothes Buffet?
If a food buffet is a scheme where the food is served on a long table and customers will get anything they want to eat that will satisfy their cravings, a Clothes buffet is quite similar but instead of food, it will be clothes. From eat-all-you-can to grab-all-you-can. Amazing isn't it?
When i heard about the Clothes Buffet, my first reaction was
" Whaaaaaaat! Is it for real?!!! "
Fortunately IT IS REAL!
Yes guys you heard it right oops! You read it right!
I know i am not only the happiest girl on earth, I know all girls in manila were very happy too because of the Clothes Buffet Manila.
You should agree with me that they are heaven sent for us girls!
It is now time to achieve our dream closet!
It is now time to forget all the stress & problems and start hunting the best clothes at the Clothes Buffet Manila.
So i would like to show you how it works
Each person will be given a one (1) buffet bag and they can grab anything they want among the 30,000 Clothes within 15 minutes.
Imagine! It's "30,000" and It is a brand new clothes
Sizes are Small, Medium and Large BUT you can not try the clothes so you must know what size are you. Each participant should be early, you should be at the event 30 minutes before your schedule because no extension will be given to the late comers.
Everything that you can fit in your buffet bag will be absolutely yours!
You just need to take care of you buffet bag or else you will pay P100 for a new bag.
The concept of the Clothes Buffet Manila is to help all the girls get their dream closet.
All of us has a dream closet and you can just achieve it if you have many clothes and i salute Clothes Buffet Manila for giving all girls a hope to achieve their dream closet.
It is a very smart and unique concept.
"Pick it, Zip it, Keep it"
1. PICK IT - Girls should pick all the clothes they want in 15 minutes.
It is just like in our dreams, We should pick our dreams, we should know what we really want to happen because Life is too short so we need to have a goal to achieve our dreams. Just like the 15 minutes experience in clothes buffet , You should get all you want but of course you will pick the best clothes that suites your personality but you only have 15 minutes so you need to make a strategy to be able to get all the clothes you want and achieve your dream closet.
2. ZIP IT - After picking all the clothes you want, you may now zip your buffet bag.
After deciding what your dream was, You may now start dreaming. You need a lot of focus, patience and determination to achieve your dreams just like in zipping the buffet bag, you need to take care of the buffet bag so you need to fold the clothes properly, you need a lot of patience and don't feel bad if some of the clothes you want would not fit in the bag because at least you tried your best, you did everything just to achieve your dream closet. Never stop dreaming! Keep dreaming!
3. Keep it - You can now keep all the clothes that fits in your buffet bag. It is now all yours!
When you have decided what you really want and start dreaming you may now keep your goals to yourself and be motivated. No one can help us but ourselves it's best to keep our goals in mind and making it as our motivation to achieve our dreams. When you already pick the clothes you want and zipped the buffet bag, you may now keep the clothes and start achieving your dream closet.
You've worked hard for it, You deserve it :)
So now I am actually dreaming to experience Clothes Buffet Manila.
I hope someday I will wake up in front of my dream closet :)
What are you guys waiting for?
For more information you can visit Clothes Buffet Manila's site
You can also follow them on their social media sites
Let's start dreaming girls!
Remember you can't achieve your dream if you will not work hard for it :)
Remember you can't achieve your dream if you will not work hard for it :)