Qik or It Didn't Happen!

When you guys miss your love ones,
What are the things you usually do?
Do you text them? call them? chat them?
Well for me, The Text, Call and Chat are too mainstream.
I want to share something different and will surely be a memorable one.

I am a person who doesn't like to stay at home all the time,
My mom and dad usually leaves at home around 7 am and then goes home
after office hours. My sister meanwhile leaves at home in the morning for school.
Now you guys know why i don't want to stay at home ;)

Whenever we're not together, we always make sure that we still have
communication. There comes the text, call and chat.
But I've realized that text, call and chat doesn't have "feelings"
I mean, you can't really express what you feel whenever you text,
call and even chat them. I tried the video call once but i am really shy
and conscious. (Haha) I don't know if you guys feel the same way too.
But now, I've discovered something cool and different.

It's the . . .

 Skype Qik!


Skype Qik is the new mobile messenger for swapping videos 
with groups of friends, putting ways of
 catching up with your barkada to a whole new (fun) level! 
This app is great for group conversations 
as you can conveniently and easily send 
private messages to each one of them. 
You will surely enjoy watching your chat movie grow
 as more (people) of your friends respond. 

With Skype Qik, you’ll never miss any moment to capture.
 Share the laughs with your friends by sending them something
 that’s sure to make them spend a giggle – all with one-touch record and sharing.

Isn't it so coooooool?
Well since i wanna help you guys.
I've created a guide on how to download Skype Quik.
Just follow the instructions below:


Here's how it looks like when i opened the app.
When you click the red circle button, you can now start recording.


When you click the 3 dots symbol on the side, you'll get to see
the about, tell your friends and help.


I am actually thinking of a new way on how to greet my Mom
this Mother's Day, Well, I guess this is the perfect qik way!
I've created a photo slideshow on my ipad to greet my Mom
then i opened my Skype qik app on my phone then i took a video
on the slideshow. I clicked the App People and then I added my Mom.
Viola! I've just sent a Mother's Day Qik video to my mom.
I can't wait to see her reaction after seeing the qik video greetings!


For me, Skype Qik is really convenient unlike the video call
that both parties must be online to make a call. This one's really a
great way to communicate with our love ones without any hassle at all.
 It also enables you to capture videos that are up to 40 seconds long,
 and and send them to group of friends
Plus, this app allow us to exchange instant and quick video for free!

This app is really worth downloading for!
I can't wait to send more videos with my family and friends.



Skype Qik is available on
 iPhone, Android, and Windows phones. 

More about Skype Qik